
专著推荐 | 外语课堂研究(动机、教师、学习策略、教育技术等,9卷)

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2021-05-15
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应用语言学:外语课堂研究 (11卷)


Second (or foreign) language classroom research is research that is carried out in the language classroom for the purpose of answering important questions about the learning and teaching of foreign languages. This kind of research derives its data from either genuine foreign language classrooms (classrooms specifically constituted for the purposes of foreign language learning and teaching) or in experimental laboratory settings that are set up for the purpose of research. These experimental settings are sometimes established to replicate or recreate what happens in language classrooms, although more often than not laboratory settings make no pretense at such replication.


--What types of classroom organization and grouping patterns facilitate second language development? --What types of tasks and activities facilitate acquisition? 

--What are the characteristics of teacher talk (including how much teachers talk, the kinds of questions they ask, the type of error feedback they provide, how and what kind of instruction/direction they give) and what are the implications of this talk for acquisition? 

--Does formal instruction make a difference to the rate or route of acquisition? 

--What affective variables correlate with second language achievement?

--What type of teacher speech modifications facilitate comprehension and, by implication, acquisition? 

--What interactional modifications between learners facilitate comprehension, and by implication, acquisition?


通讯君选编了9本Multilingual Matters出版的外语课堂研究著作,涵盖学习策略、课堂话语、教学设计、教育技术等各个方面。平价推广,价格感人(涵盖了书费、国际和国内物流、税费报关和检疫等相关费用)。支持对公转账,可以开具电子发票,大额采购可以开列合同。联系人:孙老师 18321711365(电话同微信)


Understanding Language Use in the Classroom  《理解课堂上的语言使用》 

作者:Susan J. Behrens


简介:It is clear that a proper understanding of what academic English is and how to use it is crucial for success in college, and yet students face multiple obstacles in acquiring this new 'code', not least that their professors often cannot agree among themselves on a definition and a set of rules. Understanding Language Use in the Classroom aims to bring the latest findings in linguistics research on academic English to educators from a range of disciplines, and to help them help their students learn and achieve. In this expanded edition of the original text, college educators will find PowerPoint presentations and instructor materials to enhance the topics covered in the text. Using these additional resources in the classroom will help educators to engage their students with this crucial, but frequently neglected, area of their college education; and to inform students about the unexamined linguistic assumptions we all hold, and that hold us back. You can find additional materials on the Resources tab of our website.



Author Biography



Part 1: The Role of Academic English in Higher Education

1. Linguistic Obstacles to Better Teaching and Learning

2. Examining Academic English: Form and Function Definitions

3. Linguistics and Pedagogy

Part 2: The Linguistic Conversations (Including Lesson Plans)

4. Introducing the Conversations: Linguistic Principles

5. Word Formation/Morphology

6. Word Meaning/Semantics

7. Grammatical Markers/Morphosyntax

8. Grammar and Punctuation/Syntax

9. Narrative Structure/Discourse

10. Pronunciation/Phonology

11. Voice Quality and Speech Melody/Prosody

Part 3: Study Sheets: Review Materials for More Conversations





Collaborative Writing in L2 Classrooms 《二语课堂的合作写作》

作者:Neomy Storch


简介:In this first book-length treatment of collaborative writing in second language (L2) classrooms, Neomy Storch provides a theoretical, pedagogical and empirical rationale for the use of collaborative writing activities in L2 classes, as well as some guidelines about how to best implement such activities in both face-to-face and online mode. The book discusses factors that may impact on the nature and outcomes of collaborative writing, and examines the beliefs about language learning that underpin learners' and teachers' attitudes towards pair and group work. The book critically reviews the available body of research on collaborative writing and identifies future research directions, thereby encouraging researchers to continue investigating collaborative writing activities.



Chapter 1: Introduction 

Chapter 2: Theoretical and pedagogical rationale for collaborative L2 writing 

Chapter 3: Collaborative writing: L2 learning and practice opportunities

Chapter 4: Factors affecting languaging in collaborative writing 

Chapter 5: Collaborative writing and language learning 

Chapter 6: Learners' perspectives of collaborative writing 

Chapter 7: Computer mediated collaborative writing 

Chapter 8: Conclusion: Pedagogical implications and research directions

Power and Meaning Making in an EAP Classroom 《英语课堂中的权力和意义创造 》

作者:Christian W. Chun


简介:This book examines how critical literacy pedagogy has been implemented in a classroom through a year-long collaboration between the author (a researcher) and an EAP teacher. It details the teacher's introduction to functional grammar and accompanying critical literacy approaches to EAP, and her growing critical language and discourse awareness of power and meaning making in the classroom. The book traces her evolving classroom practices and addresses how powerful discourses in social circulation found their way into the classroom via the curriculum materials the students encountered. The main themes of the book are threefold: narrowing the divide between critically-oriented researchers and practitioners; how critical literacy is actually implemented in a teacher's classroom; and how people (students and the teacher) engage in and with the representations and discourses of the everyday world that include neoliberal globalization, racial and cultural identities, and consumerism. It will be of interest to both researchers and practitioners for the ethnographic and pedagogical issues it raises as well as its accessible theoretical frameworks illustrated by relevant classroom interactional data, mediated, multimodal and critical discourse analysis.


Chapter One: Introduction

Chapter Two: An EAP Classroom

Chapter Three: Exploring the Making of Meanings

Chapter Four: The Multimodalities of Neoliberal Globalization Discourses in YouTube videos

Chapter Five: Engaging with Neoliberalization Discourses, Part Two: Summer term class

Chapter Six: Who is 'Jennifer Wong'? Multiculturalism and the model minority consumer

Chapter Seven: Bringing the political into an EAP Classroom?

Chapter Eight: Everyday life of an EAP classroom

Approaches to Inclusive  English Classrooms 《包容性英语课堂的方法》

作者:Kate Mastruserio Reynolds


简介:This book provides educators with an accessible guide to best practices concerning content-based instruction (CBI) models and their use in English learner inclusive classrooms. The author effectively bridges the gap between theory and practice with a critical analysis of practical examples and diverse strategies for the inclusion of English learners into K-12 general education courses. The book also raises controversial questions regarding who is qualified to teach English learners and who is responsible for doing so, looking at the difficulties faced by both general educators and ESL teachers in Inclusive Classrooms. By providing a lens through which both ESL teachers and general educators are able to analyze, compare and contrast a range of widely-employed CBI methods, this book allows teachers to make informed decisions in their EL program development and work with English learners in K-12 schools.



Section I: Orientations to English Language Inclusion

Chapter 1: Why Must I Do This? The Drawbacks, Benefits and Challenges with EL Inclusion and the Impetus for General Educator Preparation in EL Inclusion.

Chapter 2: I Just Want to Teach Math! Language is a Foundation for all Content Areas.

Chapter 3: A Framework for General Educator Development in EL Instruction.

Section II: Models of English Language Inclusion

Chapter 4: Models: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model.

Chapter 5: Models: Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA).

Chapter 6: Models: Response to Intervention (RTI).

Chapter 7: Models: Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE).

Chapter 8: Models: Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence (CREDE) Standards and the Expediting Comprehension for English Language Learners (ExC-ELL).

Chapter 9: Models: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLiL) and Content-Based Language Learning through Technology (CoBaLTT) Models.

Chapter 10: The "Winner": Which Model Should Be Chosen?



Adult Learning in the Language Classroom 《语言课堂中的成人学习》

作者:Stacey Margarita Johnson


简介:This book explores connections between the fields of foreign/second language teaching and adult learning. This interdisciplinary approach serves as a framework in order to: (a) understand the teaching methods that promote the deeper, more critical sort of language learning advocated by scholars and professional organizations, (b) understand how adult students learn and transform through language study, and (c) reinforce the immense value of beginning language courses. Johnson studies a classroom of adult language learners for one semester, exploring issues of motivation and perceived value for these short-term learners as well as touching on issues around intercultural communication teaching and learning. The book will be of interest to adult language teachers as well as researchers studying adult education and second language learning.


Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Adult Learning Theory    

Chapter 3: Adult Language Education

Chapter 4: This Class 

Chapter 5: How the Class was Taught

Chapter 6: What Students Learned   

Chapter 7: Transformation and Development

Chapter 8: Applications



Teachers as Mediators in the Foreign Language Classroom《教师作为外语课堂的中介》

作者: Michelle Kohler


简介:Language teachers are key figures in preparing young people for participation in an increasingly multilingual and culturally diverse world, yet little is known about how they go about this in practice. This book uses examples of classroom interaction to reveal how teachers of languages act as intercultural mediators and the implications of this for practice. To date, there has been little exploration of how teachers mediate language and culture learning from an intercultural perspective, and what underlies their mediation practices in terms of their conceptions of intercultural language teaching and learning. This book offers an account of what teachers are thinking, feeling and doing as they enact an intercultural perspective on language teaching and learning.


1. Introduction 2. Understandings of language and culture in language teaching and learning 3. Teachers' understandings of language and culture, and their relationship 4. Understandings of mediation 5. Teachers' ways of mediating 6. Understanding language teachers as mediators and the implications for intercultural language teaching and learning 7. Appendices 8. Appendix 1: materials used in establishing and guiding the study overall 9. Appendix 2: examples of materials developed by participating teachers 10. Appendix 3: data analysis 11. References

Complexity in Classroom Foreign Language Learning Motivation: A Practitioner Perspective from Japan


作者:Richard J. Sampson


简介:This book explores how complex systems theory can contribute to the understanding of classroom language learner motivation through an extended examination of one particular, situated research project. Working from the lived experience of the participants, the study describes how action research methods were used to explore the dynamic conditions operating in a foreign language classroom in Japan. The book draws attention to the highly personalised and individual, yet equally co-formed nature of classroom foreign language learning motivation and to the importance of agency and emotions in language learning. It presents an extended illustration of the applicability of complex systems theory for research design and process in SLA and its narrative approach shines light upon the evolving nature of research and role of the researcher. The study will be a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers and postgraduate students interested in classroom language teaching and learning, especially those with a focus on motivation among learners.


1. Introduction

Part One: Growth – A Research Narrative

2. Groundings from Foreign Language Learning Motivation Research in Japan

3. A Move to Socio-Dynamic Motivation

4. Research Design

5. Action Research Narrative

Part Two: Re-viewing

6. Revisiting Complex Systems Theory

7. Class Group as Open System

8. Co-Adaptation between Self and Environment

9. Motivational Phase-Shifts and Self-Organisation across the Class Group

10. Novel Motivational Emergence in the Class Group

Part Three: Reciprocity

11. The Landscape of Classroom Motivation

12. Conclusion and Iteration 

Learning Strategy Instruction in the Language Classroom《语言课堂中的学习策略教学》

主编:Anna Uhl Chamot, Vee Harris


简介:This comprehensive collection, comprising both theoretical and practical contributions, is unique in its focus on language learning strategy instruction (LLSI). The chapters, written by leading international experts, embrace both sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic perspectives. The issues presented include different models of strategy instruction and how they can be tailored according to context and the learners' age and attainment level. The collection will be an important resource for researchers in the field, both for its critical perspectives and its guidance on collaborating with teachers to design interventions to implement strategy instruction. It also identifies key areas for research, including the teaching of less studied groups of strategies such as grammar and affective strategies. The book will prove equally valuable to language teachers through the provision of detailed teaching materials and tasks. Those engaged in professional development, whether pre- or in-service teacher education, will find a wealth of concrete ideas for sessions, courses and assignments.


Introduction. Anna U. Chamot and Vee Harris

Part 1. Issues: Models and Contexts

Chapter 1. Luke Plonsky: Language Learning Strategy Instruction: Recent Research and Future Directions

Chapter 2. Peter Yongqi Gu: Approaches to Learning Strategy Instruction

Chapter 3. Vee Harris: Diversity and Integration in Language Learning Strategy Instruction

Chapter 4. Do Coyle: Designing Strategic Classrooms: Self-assessment in Enabling Self-regulated Learning

Chapter 5. Ernesto Macaro: Language Learner Strategies and Individual Differences

Chapter 6. Marcella Menegale: Integrating Language Learning Strategy Instruction into Content and Language Integrated Learning Programs

Part 2. Issues: Less Studied and Less Taught Groups of Strategies

Chapter 7. Miroslaw Pawlak: Grammar Learning Strategies Instruction in the Foreign Language Classroom: The Case of Students in Degree Programs in English

Chapter 8. Anna Uhl Chamot and Vee Harris: Language Learning Strategy Instruction for Critical Cultural Awareness

Chapter 9. Andrew D. Cohen: Strategy Instruction for Learning and Performing Target-language Pragmatics

Part 3. Implications: The Learners

Chapter 10. Pamela Gunning, Joanna White, and Christine Busque: Designing Effective Strategy Instruction: Approaches and Materials for Young Language Learners

Chapter 11. Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey: Designing Materials and Guidelines for Language Learning Strategy Instruction

Chapter 12. Anna Uhl Chamot: Differentiation in Language Learning Strategy Instruction

Chapter 13. Jill Robbins: Teaching Language Learning Strategies with Technology

Part 4. Implications: The Teachers

Chapter 14. Christina Gkonou and Rebecca L. Oxford: Teachers' Formative Assessment, Reflection, and Affective Strategy Instruction in Language Learning Strategy Instruction Teacher Education

Chapter 15. Joan Rubin and Claudia Acero Rios: Empowering Teachers to Promote Learner Self-Management

Chapter 16. Anna Uhl Chamot, Vee Harris, Carol Griffiths, Pamela Gunning, Martha Nyikos and Birsen Tutüniș: Teacher Education for Language Learning Strategy Instruction: Approaches and Activities

Chapter 17. Christine Goh: What We Still Need to Learn About Language Learning Strategies Instruction: Research Directions and Designs

Afterword. Anna Uhl Chamot and Vee Harris

Using Film and Media in the Language Classroom 《在语言课堂中使用电影和媒体 》

主编:Carmen Herrero, Isabelle Vanderschelden


简介:This book demonstrates the positive impact of using film and audiovisual material in the language classroom. The chapters are evidence-based and address different levels and contexts of learning around the world. They demonstrate the benefits of using moving images and films to develop intercultural awareness and promote multilingualism, and suggest Audiovisual Translation (AVT) activities and projects to enhance language learning. The book will be a valuable continuing professional development resource for language teachers and those involved in curriculum development, as well as bringing the latest research, theory and pedagogical techniques to teacher training courses.


Carmen Herrero and Isabelle Vanderschelden: Introduction

Part I. Film Literacy and Languages

Chapter 1. Kieran Donaghy: Using Film to Teach Languages in a World of Screens

Part II. Multilingualism, Intercultural Awareness and Competence

Chapter 2. Brian Tomlinson: Developing Intercultural Awareness through Reflected Experience of Films and Other Visual Media

Chapter 3. Isabella Seeger: Addressing 'Super-Diversity' in the Language Classroom through Film and Peer-Generated YouTube Content

Chapter 4. Anne-Laure Dubrac : Playing the Part: Media Re-Enactments as Tools for Learning Second Languages

Part III. Audio-visual Translation and Subtitling

Chapter 5. Melissa Cokely and Carmen Muñoz: Vocabulary Acquisition through Captioned Videos and Visual Prompts

Chapter 6. Joan C. Mora and Eva Cerviño-Povedano: The Effects of Bimodal L2 Input on the Processing of Function Words by Spanish EFL Learners: an Eye-Tracking Study

Chapter 7. Anca Daniela Frumuselu: A Friend in Need Is a Film Indeed'. Teaching Colloquial Expressions through Television Series and Subtitling

Chapter 8. Rosa Alonso Pérez: Enhancing Student Motivation through Film Subtitling Projects

Chapter 9. Juan Pedro Rica Peromingo and Ángela Sáenz Herrero: Audiovisual Translation (AVT) Modes as a L2 Learning Pedagogical Tool: Traditional Modes and Linguistic Accessibility

Part IV. Teacher Training and Resources

Chapter 10. Jelena Bobkina and Elena Dominguez: Teaching the Teachers: Double Proposals/Film-based Teaching in Higher Education

Chapter 11. Mark Goodwin: An Analysis of The Success of the 'Cultural Topic' at A Level

Chapter 12. Stavroula Sokoli and Patrick Zabalbeascoa Terrán: Clipflair In Language Learning: Theory and Practice

Afterword. Carmen Herrero: Present and Future Directions for Video, Film and Audiovisual Media in Language Teaching

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